We believe that one of the greatest investments you can make in yourself or the people that make up your company or organization, is in the area of Personal Growth and
Professional Leadership Development
We all have dreams of a life that we desire, one that is full of joy, peace, and purpose. But the truth is that many of us struggle to make those dreams a reality. We often don’t realize the power that lies within us to make those dreams come true. The key to creating the life you desire, starts with having a Personal Growth Plan. Our purpose is to not only help you discover and recognize the aspirations of your heart, but to also build upon the strong foundational pillars that will hold it all together.
Family, Relationships, Health, Career, Finances, Faith & Spirituality
are the essential pillars that create a strong foundation for the life you desire. When these pillars are in harmony, they provide stability, security, and direction for a life that is fulfilling and meaningful.
At LIFECORE6 Coaching,
we engage in Coaching Conversations to help you
do just that!
We understand that....“What you implement and how well you execute determines your level of success.”
Text the word "MYLIFE" to 209-713-0294 and let's get this conversation started!
Take a short survey to begin developing your Personal Growth Plan
Click here to start your Personal Growth Plan
An Opportunity for Everybody
To Live The Life You Desire!

Where Are You At?
Are you satisfied, content, frustrated, bored, confused, excited or just unclear?

Where Do You Want To Go?
Enter into the Laboratory of your imagination and let it run free and dream about What could be possible...

How Will You Get There?
This is where we come in, to journey with you through the How!

I'm Arthur McKibben, and it has become one of my life's passion to coach people that want to create the life they desire by being intentional and strategic in building the life you desire upon the foundational pillars that hold it all together and we have developed a way to make that process SIMPLE.
More About MeCall or sign up for a complimentary Coaching session! You will be glad you did.
For Complimentary Coaching Session

Schedule your 30 min. complimentary Coaching Session
We can accommodate Phone / Zoom / or In-Person